
fast response teamRespond to Techs Before the Inspection is Done

This new feature is for shop owners, who want their service advisors to be fast responders to inspection findings before even the inspections results are in. You need SmartFlow version V1.11.5 or higher on your tablet to take advantage of this feature.

It uses the well known technician alert to let the service advisor know as soon as the technician has finished any configured inspection topic on the tablet. This will help to expedite parts ordering, getting authorization from the customer and keeps the communication flowing between service advisor and technician.

Set up your Inspection Sheet

You have two choices:

  1. Let EACH and EVERY inspection topic trigger a technician alert. Just check the box on the Inspection Sheets page, shown in the image below.
    inspection configuration


2. Select individual inspection topics to alert the service advisor
topic configuration


Now the tech alert will include the name of the inspection topic and the recommended action.


I’d like to thank Ron Haugen and  Doug Olsen for their input.