
Uh-Oh Google

We recently discovered that the Google Plus My Business Listings for several shops are now appearing as unverified and no longer rank in search results pages. Upon visiting the shop profile pages, we found that almost all information is missing, including contact information, review summaries, and photos.


After immediately launching an investigation, we learned that Google is currently experiencing technical problems and we have also found a remedy to manually fix the pages ourselves. Google has assured us that this is a temporary issue and they are working on an overall solution, but they have yet to issue a formal statement.





If you discover that your shop’s Local Listing and Business page are affected by this issue, fill out the form below. We are in the process of fixing this issue for you at no cost for AutoVitals web presence customer. If you are not a web presence customer, we can fix it for $175. Once Google releases any news about the matter, we will send out updates to you.




To Fix My Google Listing, fill the form out below