
Service Advisor Huddle, October 2016

Bill Connor, Frank Scandura, Tom Dorsey, Annmarie  Aristigue

This month our guest speakers were our digital supervisor trainers who explained what digital supervisor training is and how it will benefit the shop. Customers who have attended the training also speak on how much it has changed their process.

Check out the highlights to how digital supervisor training will change your shop’s communication. For more information, the full version can be seen below!


To find out about digital supervisor training and the trainers that run it, please watch the full version of the Service Advisor Huddle below:


To sign up for digital supervisor training, click here!

If you are interested in discussing our products, we have created a Facebook page to join in conversation with our other clients. If you are interested in seeing the other Service Advisor Huddles, please click here.

Click here to learn about the SmartFlow Fitness as well as here to learn how to improve your score.

Are you interested in attending a AV Partner Workshop? Click here to find out more information on what goes on and how to sign up.

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