Making Work Fast and Secure
This article summarizes new benefits when using SmartFlow dedicated to data security and fast access of information.
Why more secure?
SmartFlow integrates with your customer database and thus the most secure protection is needed to deny access to all unauthorized attempts.
Why faster?
Service Advisors work highly event driven. We have researched the actions and in case we can cut busy work we have done so.
Use the Same Login on Web Portal and Tablet
When you sign up for SmartFlow (just download the app from the App Store or Google Play), you will receive an email with all instructions. It includes a shop specific URL you should not share with anybody but bookmark in your browser. It also includes a passcode you will use to authenticate you at login on the tablet. We have now extended the use of this passcode to the web portal in addition to the shop specific URL.
Clicking on the bookmark now is asking you for an email address and a passcode, just like on the tablet and guides you how to locate the passcode (see image below):
You can also reset the passcode now, if you feel it has been compromised.
Go to the inspection settings and press “Generate New Key”. Confirm that you want to change it, and let your technicians know what the new passcode is, since the next login on the tablet will require the new passcode.
Working Faster
Three changes have been completed, which make working with SmartFlow a breeze:
- Every updated Tech Alert creates a sound reminding the service advisor about a new message from the technician, it sounds like this
- Clicking on a job or RO link in chat or tech alert takes you to the Work Order window and not to the Inspection results page anymore, saving precious minutes over the course of the day.
- Inspection reports in the Work Order window drop down and communication pop up will be sorted by date and time of modification, last modified inspection report first, no matter whether the modification has happened on the tablet or in the work order window.
Stay tuned for more to come!!!
- Release Notes V6.0.52 (TVP.X) and V5.0.58 (TVP Legacy) - October 23, 2020
- Release Notes V6.0.50 (TVP.X) and V5.0.57 (TVP Legacy) - October 11, 2020
- Release Notes V6.0.47 (TVP.X) and V5.0.56 (TVP Legacy) - September 26, 2020