Measure Daily, Change and Gain
Our trainers and your feedback created a new detailed report on the Inspection Metrics Report.
This report is probably the most valuable report in your business to gain insight in how service advisors and technicians work together. If you could identify potential in changing behavior for a better outcome in revenue, profitability and confident techs and service advisors, you would do it. What are you waiting for?
The Inspection Metrics Report already provides a great overview on overall behavior of techs and service advisor described in the article about the Service Advisor and Technician Performance reporting.
Summary of the Inspection Metrics Report
The image below is a typical report for one day in a busy shop. The numbers on the markers are described below the image.
- The number of completed visits to the shop (28) is contrasted with the …
- … number of inspections (21), which is 75% of all vehicles. All service advisors together emailed the inspection report to…
- … 10 customers, and SmartFlow sent the inspection reports automatically to the other 8 customers, whose email addresses were on file.
- All technicians together made 172 recommendations, 75 of those were configured as canned jobs. In other words the techs made on average 8 recommendations per vehicle. Remarkable.
- Of the canned jobs recommended, 56 made it to the estimate, and 9 were approved. This number suggests that every tech needs to make 16 recommendations per vehicle to see one turned into a job the tech will be paid for. That sounds like a lot of potential to make it better. Is there one tech, who is over-recommending and spoils the stats? It doesn’t look like it, since ….
- …. all techs adhere to the picture policy and perform inspections at a highly consistent net time on the tablet. In addition the number of recommendations is consistent as well. How about the service advisors?
- Service Advisors add recommended actions from canned jobs at a rate between 40% and 60% to the estimate, and add additional jobs to the work order, maybe because the recommended actions were not correctly canned or maybe for another reason. Let’s find out what the details of the service advisors activities are. Why do they have a high number of declined jobs and why are not enough canned jobs from recommended actions on the work order?
Introducing the work order composition details
When clicking on the export details link in the image above you can download data, which are job specific. You will see exactly (see image below) how the recommended actions turned jobs made it to the work order and what happened then.
- A: jobs already on the WO before the inspection started
- B: recommended actions, which are no canned jobs have been added by the techs
- C: Canned job recommended actions have been added by the techs
- D: what of B,C landed on the WO
- E: what of A, B, C has been sold to the motorist
- F: what of A, B, C has been declined and
- G: what job got added later, without being on the initial WO nor recommended by a tech.
See below for a typical example, on the left is the final work order, on the right the work order composition report. Click on the image to enlarge both reports side by side. Every job on the work order (left) has a number, which is marked on the right as well. The green ones are authorized, the red ones are not.
As you can see:
- All recommended actions from the techs have been added as jobs to the WO. If they were canned job recommendations it would go more efficient in the shop and this report would be easier to read.
- Only the jobs on the initial work order have been performed, all others have been declined. This leaves several options:
- The service advisor had a bad hair day
- Every day is a bad hair day for the service advisor and he/she needs help
- Do the technicians need to help in doing a better inspection? lets check the inspection report (again the red and green markers indicate the declined/authorized jobs)
- If you asked me, the techs do a pretty good job. A fluid tray might be a good investment for the shop owner to illustrate the need for fluid exchanges.
- Do the technicians need to help in doing a better inspection? lets check the inspection report (again the red and green markers indicate the declined/authorized jobs)
- Bottom line: Educating the motorist about why jobs need to be done now and what happens if they are not done is an essential skill set service advisors have to display to be successful. The shop owner can now focus on this portion of his/her business and involve our trainer to nail it.
Lets look at a different example with different measures to be taken:
This seems straightforward:
- The service advisor focused on the initial customer concerns and neglected the inspection findings all together. 7 potential jobs completely ignored. She/he seems to need training and grow the habit on how to leverage inspection results.
- Bottom line: Lots of light at the end of the tunnel. The shop owner will know exactly what to do and ask our trainer.
- Note that the work order composition details will show an empty declined jobs column for POS systems, which don’t support this feature.
- Release Notes V6.0.52 (TVP.X) and V5.0.58 (TVP Legacy) - October 23, 2020
- Release Notes V6.0.50 (TVP.X) and V5.0.57 (TVP Legacy) - October 11, 2020
- Release Notes V6.0.47 (TVP.X) and V5.0.56 (TVP Legacy) - September 26, 2020