Personalize Inspection Results and Still Save Time!
Motorists require to be educated about the choices they have when deciding what repair or preventive maintenance job to authorize.
Service Advisors, although dedicated to provide the best education, are often time constrained when seeking the job authorization, at the counter or on the phone. Too often shortcuts are taken, in order to simply keep up with the high pace in a busy shop. Ultimately less work gets authorized.
Digital inspection results already convince with a professional look and personalize using images or videos of the vehicle’s problem area. It is still up to the service advisor to explain and educate why the proposed work is necessary and what happens if it is not performed. That education is often the most time consuming portion of getting the work authorized.
What if the technician just needs to select the condition and action for a particular topic and the educational information including a video is automatically added to the inspection result? Now the service advisor receives pointers to how to educate the motorist and sells more work. Lets assume the windshield washers don’t aim properly. Small problem with possibly safety relevant consequences for the motorist. The technician would tap the condition “Don’t aim properly.” and “Replace” or “Adjust“. Done. The inspection report would use clear and crisp words about the impact of limited visibility for the driver to steer the car. You get the picture.
One configuration step is all it takes
Next time you are setting up or modifying your inspection sheet template, check out the condition for each topic and complete the so-called Customer Note. See the image below for the Warning Lights topic. The condition TPMS (Tire Pressure Monitoring System) is now configured with a brief educational message and for more information a video can be watched completing the picture for the motorist.
Note that every condition can have a different customer note. And you can use our video library or any other video you believe represents the best education value. This allows for maximum flexibility.
Lets take a look at the inspection results report. The image below illustrates how the educational information gets added below the proposed action.
The link to the video is always shortened so it fits in the inspection report. Clicking on it will take the motorist to the video configured. Click below to see what video would be shown to the motorist using the configuration shown in this article.
Whether demonstrated at the counter on a TV, computer and tablet or in an email and push notification to the motorist’s smartphone, making the right choice has become a lot easier for the motorist, don’t you think?
- Release Notes V6.0.52 (TVP.X) and V5.0.58 (TVP Legacy) - October 23, 2020
- Release Notes V6.0.50 (TVP.X) and V5.0.57 (TVP Legacy) - October 11, 2020
- Release Notes V6.0.47 (TVP.X) and V5.0.56 (TVP Legacy) - September 26, 2020