

SmartFlowCheck Your Shop’s Performance Daily

Your Point of Sale software (POS) offers an abundance of reports. These reports are all based on the numbers entered into the POS. Certain KPIs not captured in the SMS are not measurable or guesstimated and make building a strong team difficult. Metrics such as

  • Technician Efficiency and Productivity
  • Adherence to the 300% rule* and
  • Rate of canned jobs as recommended action on the Inspection sheet

can only be determined with additional data from the inspection and time capture system.


Lets take a look at the latest Inspection metrics report we added to SmartFlow in the reports section:

inspection Metrics

  1. Select the time period you want to check
  2. The number of vehicle visits completed (RO closed out)
  3. Number of inspections done to those vehicles
  4. Number of inspections emailed to customers
  5. Number of recommended actions by the technician on the tablet
  6. Number of recommended actions turned into jobs on the estimate
  7. Number of approved jobs
  8. Number of declined jobs
  9. Each technician’s inspection performance and overall performance

It is now easy to identify the potential for improvements on this performance report. The most glaring potentials for improvement on the report are:

  • Only 62.5% of the vehicles received an inspection
  • Only 44 of 186 recommended actions made it to the estimate
  • In summary only 26 of 186 recommended actions have been approved by the motorist.

In addition all the details about the jobs recommended and (not) put on the estimate can be downloaded. Below is a spreadsheet snippet showing the details.


Can you see the huge potential uncovered with this report? Go and use it.