
Service Advisor Huddles

Standard Operating Procedures Huddle

AutoVitals has created a new way to see how the Service Advisors and Technicians use SmartFlow, the Tablet and the Point of Sales software (POS). This new Standard Operating Procedure is broken down into best practices and clearly explained through icons. In this Huddle, Uwe explains the steps and receives feedback on the usability and functionality of the Standard Operating Procedures.

SmartFlow 2.0

SmartFlow 2.0 is here! In this Service Advisor huddle we discuss the new and exciting changes in SmartFlow 2.0 today’s vehicle page. Neil goes into detail about the workflow view and the technician view to show how SmartFlow 2.o makes inspections easier.

SmartFlow and TeE Times

This month, our Service Advisor Huddle focused on the newest  SmartFlow feature – TeE Times!   Technicians can now Clock-In on their tablet in the morning, pause for lunch, and Clock-Out before they go home. Each billable work step gets recorded as work is done. No more punching in an out on the wall clock. And with billing goals and work pace prominently displayed on each team members tablet they can also keep track of their own progress.

TeE Times Sneak Peek

With the new TeE-Times SmartFlow add-on, technicians Clock-In on their tablet in the morning, pause for lunch, and Clock-Out before they go home. Each billable work step gets recorded as work is done. No more punching in an out on the wall clock. And with billing goals and work pace prominently displayed on each team members tablet they can also keep track of their own progress. Here is a sneak peak for the TeE-Times!

Data Turns into Reports

SmartFlow collects TONS of data. Data Turns into Reports. And we’re just scratching the surface of what we can do with it. Find out how you can extract data out of SmartFlow to improve productivity, efficiency, shop workflow and much, much more!

SmartFlow Best Practices

This month, we had a panel discussion with some industry leading shops and found out how they implemented and are using SmartFlow. You’ll hear about their strategies and best practices, all leading towards communication, productivity and ARO improvements.

Introducing SmartFlow

We are very excited about the release of SmartFlow. You will hear about the features that we think will make a difference in your shop. A SmartFlow demo and Q and A are included to help answer your questions.

EIS: First Field Report

Now that our shops have starting using the EIS, is it important to hear some feedback. In this huddle we hear feedback from the shop owners that have implemented the EIS. They told us about what aspects of the electronic inspection sheet are helping their shop become more successful.

Effective Service Reminders

Service reminders can be a useful tool for creating a strong communication between the service adviser and the customer. In this huddle we  talk about achieving the goal of turning every service reminder into an appointment and how they can become more effective in the future.