
tips_tricksCommunicating with your Customers Made Easy

Navigating vehicles in SmartFlow and SmartCheck and sending Inspection results to customers and other repeat actions are launched from the Today’s Vehicles Page (TVP).

This article lists known tips and tricks to make repeat tasks efficient. For feedback please respond at the bottom of this article.

Send Inspection Results and Work Order to Customers

Edit The Inspection Result while the vehicle is at the shop

SmartFlow and SmartCheck are navigated by seeing the vehicles on the Today’s Vehicle Page and clicking on the wrench icon to get to the work order details and inspection results.

wrench buttonThe magnifying glass indicates that the inspection has been performed and the envelope shows that results have been texted or emailed. Clicking on the wrench button shows the work order pop up with the whole work order and the inspection results, both of which can be edited from here.

See the red arrows indication on image below for where to edit any work order or inspection topic.

work order and insepction results


You have two ways of previewing and emailing the inspection results AND the work order (check the checkbox on the work order tab to accomplish that) as well.

  1. The Communications pop up: Just like on the TVP, the work order has an internal vehicle tile as well. To get to it, you click on the tab to the right and click on the customer name. internal tile It opens the same communication pop up as on the TVP and all you need to do is preview the inspection results, OEM Recs, work order and TSBs sent to the customer before you press the Send Message button. communication po up
  2. The View Inspection Results (works only with active FailSafe mode) Select the inspection results revision from the drop down (1 in image below) and preview the inspection results (and work order) exactly as your customer will see it rendered on their device (desktop or smartphone). Press the email button (2) to email (always in customer mode) and print (3) to print either a shop internal version or the customer version (removes parts and pricing as well as billed hours). Select whihc version by toggling the “For Customer” check box. view on drop down

Emailing work order content only is possible as well, although rarely used.

Check the work order check box on the open vehicle tile pop up

work order checkbox

Then go to the communication pop up and selecting the work order pop up will show you, the customer part of the work order (no parts, no billed hours, no tech notes for shop eyes only)

work order only


Texting an inspection results is the easiest way to get the information to the customer. Just like the first option of emailing before, you simply go to the vehicle tile, click on the customer name and select text message instead of email. If texting is the only way available it will be set by default. select texting

The text message to the customer contains a link to the responsive web page adjusting to the size of the device used (only in active failsafe mode) or a link to the pdf document of the inspection result.

texting an inspection result

If the customer replies to the text message, the customer name on the vehicle tile will flash and when clicked the text message history is shown and you can reply directly from the communication pop up.

text reply

If the vehicle is not at the shop anymore, but you receive a phone call and want to send any revision of the inspection result and work order to the customer, just use the magnifying glass at the top of your TVP.


then search for the RO number and select the customer name from the shown results. It will open the well-known communication pop up to email or text the inspection results.

search result

Clicking on the RO number will open the Work order pop up and you can use the second version of previewing and emailing the inspection results as well. Note that if you have switched on the FailSafe mode months or years after you started the Digital Inspection process, the older inspection results will only be available in pdf document format.

If the vehicle is not at the shop anymore, and you can’t remember the RO#, but the customer name, follow the steps below:

  1. Go to the magnifying glass and search for the customer’s last name
  2. The last visit is shown
  3. Click on the RO# and open the Work order pop up
  4. Find the RO# of the visit in question, go back to the search feature and enter it to see the results. ro search
  5. Click on the customer name and email/text the inspection results you were looking for.