
phone callsKnow and Improve Conversion Rates Using Smart Data

The majority of customer conversion happen on the phone. Hands down. Do you know how many leads have tried to reach you or interacted with your service advisor and didn’t buy? Do you know what an effective phone call sounds like? Do you want to track your service advisor’s performance over time and let continuous improvement help you to get more customers?

How do you measure your service advisors’ phone call effectiveness today?

Thought so. Check out this article and see whether TopFuel’s newest feature set will benefit you.

TopFuel in conjunction with Vital Retention and SmartFlow provide the most comprehensive yet still easy to read business summary in the industry. See below for a typical score card. Nothing is hidden.

business summary


Phone calls are the most important lifeline for an auto repair shop. When phone call tracking is provided, many shop performance metrics can be measured and improved. We have spoken with a few shop owners and determined that the following important information and capabilities need to be provided:

  • Classify the phone call based on whether it was a conversion of a prospective customer and cluster all calls based on their duration
  • Allow the owner to listen to all recordings
  • Allow the owner to compare the phone calls amongst each other and also with a reference call to teach the service advisor the best possible outcome
  • Plot the results over time to see how the improvements kick in

Step 1: Check the summary page to get a first overview and what has been going on

Once the ‘Details’ on the business summary for ‘Phone Calls’ is clicked, you get the Phone Call Summary below (the numbers are all made up for this article). I marked the important categories with white, big numbers:

  1. The portion of mobile phone calls to your business using Google maps on smartphones. We are proud to be the only provider, who can deliver this number, but Google is not sharing any more details about these phone calls
  2. The portion of calls through the website and the conversion details (described in bullet point 4)
  3. The portion of calls not being responded to (low hanging fruit: eliminate those!)
  4. Conversion details for calls through the website
    1. What are the best and worst performing call duration range (best: returning customers 30-90 sec, worst: new customers 30-90 sec.)?
    2. How do they fare compared with the average conversion in the AutoVitals network using TopFuel?
    3. What is the goal set by you and the difference?

Now you have a first impression and drill either down to the service advisor performance or jump right to the call analysis.

phone summary

Step 2: Check the service advisor summary scores

Make sure the current performance is not an outlier and the overall trend is positive and working towards the goal you set. If that is not the case ,more drastic measures need to be taken. Ask us what options you have.

Note that 6 ranges for the duration are listed. that will allow you to identify the sweet spot of your service advisors and take measures, if phone calls in general are too long and/or too short. At one glance you see how long the majority of the calls is and take action.

sa scores on call conversion

Step 3: Listen to the Calls and identify quick success stories for your service advisor(s)

Every phone call, no matter what subject can be assessed concerning three critical success factors

  • Managing Customer Expectations
  • Build Rapport
  • Instill Customer Confidence

Before you research the calls, make sure you listen to the reference call and keep the same assessment for all reviews with your service advisor.

call conversion initial page

Step 4: Go through the calls, score the critical success factors and make notes for review

All recorded calls are listed and you can

  • Makes notes for the review
  • Score each of the three success factors (which will impact the summary of service advisors score described in step 2)
  • Mark a call as rejected, if that call has not been converted, but TopFuel detected it as such.

customer conversion