
Using the Conversation Center

The Digital Shop Talk Webinar

As part of our Upcoming Release Feature Training for the launch of AutoVitals V4.5 in July, Uwe Kleinschmidt takes you through how to use the Conversation Center to easily manage communication with your customers.

You don’t want to miss new features such as: 

  • How to comply with FCC law when sending text messages to your customers
  • How to use the Conversation Center to manage all motorist conversations
  • What different icons indicate in the Conversation Center

And More!

Register to Attend the Next Webinar

Webinars in This Series

Do’s & Don’ts of the Retention Campaign Manager & Brand Manager

In this week's Digital Shop Talk webinar, Tom Dorsey, Chris Maggard, and Marty Mace talk about how to utilize the campaign manager to increase customer retention and how to use the Brand Manager to change the look and feel of your communications with customers. ...

Do’s & Don’t of Setting up Your Default Inspection Sheet & Technician Dispatching Tips

In this week's Digital Shop Talk webinar, Tom Dorsey & Chris Maggard talk about how to setup the default inspection sheet to fit your shops inspection process and technician dispatching tips & tricks.  [powr-comments id="9778e477_1554942876"]

Higher Shop Productivity Through Effective Digital Communication

In this week's Digital Shop Talk webinar, Tom Dorsey & Marty Mace talk about higher shop productivity through digital communication and how to engage with your techs and service advisors with Special, Smart, and Ultimate Markers. [powr-comments...