Vision KC 2013

Sheri Hamilton
Exec. Director ASA Midwest
VISION Organizer



The AutoVitals TV crew was on the ground at VisionKC 2013 two weeks ago to take the pulse of the auto repair and service industry from 2000+ Attendees, Trainers, Shop Owners and Automotive vendors.




Our first release last week covered an interview with the CARQUEST Senior Director Professional Markets Chris Chesney.

With this webcast we are excited to present all highlights of the show, expressed in interviews with trainers, attendees, vendors and the organizer.

All of them went back home with profound insights in how the internet and mobile devices have started to re-shape the industry, motorist interaction with the service advisor and new business processes in and outside the auto repair shop. Many of you have attended VISION and we think you will agree that “VISION KC is one of the main places, if not the place to come to.” as one attendee put it.

Enjoy the clip!