SmartFlow - Digital Inspections and Workflow Management
Improve customer satisfaction, increase ARO and stay competitive with digital inspections and automated workflow Using SmartFlow to automate your shop workflow process improves your shop’s productivity and will allow you to eliminate the use of paper racks. By enabling your technicians with a tablet based digital inspection program and a completely paperless back-shop, you will save a ton of time, get increased visibility into your process, and you will be able to communicate better with your customers. It’s easy to use, gives you a lot of flexibility and it can be used out-of-the-box with only a few configuration settings, but our success is dependent on your success. So in order to make sure that you get the best value from your investment and get up to speed with SmartFlow as quickly as possible we have designed an online training program for you. Below you will find a series of pre-recorded videos that will walk you through each step of configuration, administration and use of SmartFlow. Of course we may have missed something that you would like to know more about so please do not hesitate to get in touch with us using the Contact Us page.
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- Turbo V5.0.2 and V5.0.3 Features and Benefits - December 30, 2018
- Turbo V5.0.2 Features and Benefits - December 18, 2018
- The Business Control Panel with Bill Connor - December 7, 2018