
Turn your Phone to Landscape


Rank in Search Results for Services You Perform

There is an overwhelming amount of information on the web. A motorist tends to search for their make, model, or by service they need rather than  searching for a shop! They search the web to be educated and also to find relevant information about their make and the particular service they think or have been told the need.  Chances are they  are not an expert at diagnosing car problems, they don’t need to be but the shop does! Are you promoting educational material and ranking for services and vehicle makes? SmartPages is a tool designed to mine your data base for services performed on your top 5 makes. We insert this information into a landing page created for you shop, the page ranks locally and has its own tracking number!

Links to your shop’s landing pages can be found in MyShop->Search&Educate.

Motorist Experience

As demonstrated in the images below, the motorist performs a search for a specific service or their make in their local area. 


  1. Your shop name and Logo appear
  2. A landing page about how many services you’ve performed on the make they searched
  3. Ability to request an appointment
  4. Tracking number to determine what calls came from SmartPages
  5. Reviews featured on make specific pages about that make!


Shop steps


  1. Simply perform your inspections as normal. We will use database extraction to populate service from you 5 most popluar makes.
  2.  6 months free with SmartFlow X. Included on The Digital Shop Pro, and The Digital Shop Lite





Current Process


When motorists search the web for Ford F150 Brake Fluid Exchange they usually will land on a do-it-yourself video showing how easy this service is they can do it themselves!

Many Digital Shop Lite and Pro Customers with AutoVitals Web platforms already rank for many makes and services they perform. This is a great way to start. If you do not have educational material on your website then your customers are educating themselves elsewhere.


Best Practice


Re-educating your customers on a service for their make after they have absorbed questionable education on the web can be very time consuming and difficult. Use SmartPages to rank and educate customers online so you dont need to re-educate them after the fact. 


Quantified Benefits


Rank for Services on your top 5 makes just by performing inspections.

Measure phone calls from this new lead source with a tracking number.


DST & Training


There is no training needed for this feature. It will run automatically and your advisor will review the results of new customers via SmartPages with you during your check in.

Check out the location in your area, where you can sign up for the Digital Supervisor Training here


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