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Set Thresholds to Get Alerts. AutoPilot

Don’t you wish you didn’t need to check your business data every day or week and instead just set the range your metric should stay within and only get involved when the metric is outside of the defined range?

Introducing the Business Control Panel AutoPilot.

The business control panel can be accessed by clicking on the “Shop Meeting” icon in the menu bar. You are being asked to log in with your registered Gmail or Google for work email address. This email address is the implementer’s email address registered during the intro call with your AutoVitals trainer/advisor

If you don’t have immediate access, please use the help button to request support.

On the settings page, you select up to 20 different KPIs you want to monitor and configure the alerts the following way:

  1. Define the monitoring interval: that is the interval the KPI will be calculated at. A 7-Day ARO, for example, calculated every day, is the 7 day average of the ARO value.
  2. Define the alert interval: that is how often you will receive an alert. If the alert interval is 7 days and your weekly ARO is outside the range every day of the 7 days, you only get 1 alert the first time the value is outside the range.
  3. then you define lower and upper threshold for the monitor
  4. From then on you get text and email alerts as soon as either threshold has been exceeded. The alert includes a link to the settigns page to see how often the threshold has been exceeded. Clicking on the non-compliance number will take you to the insights page showing the exact tracking of the KPI in the time period specified.
  5. All registered roles for the account receive the alert: Implementer, Trainer(s), Coach.
  6. Once you have received an alert and took action to avoid that it will exceed the alert again, you press the restart button per alert to start the monitoring over.

auto pilot

If you click on the number of Non-Compliance, it will take you to the graph illustrating the trend for the KPI, and marks the data values red, which are outside of the defined range.


The alert messages are also shown in the conversation center:

auto pilot

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