
Turn your Phone to Landscape


Call Analysis of Incoming Phone Calls

Working with Your Service Advisors to increase Call Conversion Rate

The first impression that your shop makes on a potential customer can have a long lasting impact on the relationship with the motorist. It is therefore important to regularly work with your service advisors on honing their phone skills. Below you will learn how AutoVitals make this process easy for you and your service advisor.



  1. Go to http://shop.autovitals.com/Admin/ShopSettings.aspx and click on Reports. Then click on Call Analysis page. screenshot_59657
  2. Click on Customers Converted at the top of the screen. Here you will see a list of the phone calls that were generated through the tracking numbers on your top fuel website.                                                                   screen-shot-2017-01-06-at-5-47-04-pm
  3. Click on the Red Phone Icon to listen to the phone call. The first time you click it each session, its going to ask you to login into your Invoca account. After you have logged in, the phone call will start playing.     screen-shot-2017-01-06-at-5-47-21-pmscreen-shot-2017-01-06-at-5-47-13-pm
  4. After the phone call starts playing, click on the yellow score card. While listening to the phone call, give the phone call a score on the 4 elements. While listening, also leave notes about the phone calls in the section at the bottom.                                                                                  screen-shot-2017-01-06-at-5-47-31-pmscreen-shot-2017-01-06-at-5-47-38-pm
  5. Next select the person that is answering the phone in the service advisor drop down.screen-shot-2017-01-06-at-5-47-48-pm
  6. At the end of the phone call mark whether the phone call was a conversion. If the phone call, was not from a potential customer, reject the phone call, so that it isn’t counted in the conversion rate.screen-shot-2017-01-06-at-5-47-57-pm
Best Practice
  1. Tracking the conversion rate for your service advisors over time is important to track improvement. You can see this by clicking on the Service advisor AVG Score tab.                                                                     screenshot_59659
  2. In that same tab, you can also see all the notes for that one service advisor by click on the yellow notes icon.
  3. We recommend doing this scoring once a month and then sitting down with each service advisor and reviewing your scores and notes with them.
Quantified Benefits
This process will help you increase the conversion rate of your incoming phone calls, which will get you more new customers and get your returning customers to come back on a more regular basis. Your web presence advisor will work with you to track your conversion rate month to month, including setting short term and long term goals.

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