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Consistency through Canned Jobs

Use Canned Jobs for the Inspection

using Canned Jobs as recommended actions on the inspection sheet makes techs use the same language the PoS software speaks and with just one tap the recommended actions are added to the estimate.



Importing Canned Jobs

There are two ways of importing canned jobs from the PoS software to SmartFlow/SmartCheck:

  1. If no AutoVitals integration with the PoS is used, import manually a list of the jobs using a csv file
  2. The AutoVitals PoS integration automatically imports the canned jobs from the PoS, no action needed by you

Note that, with PoS integration, the canned jobs are immediately available.

The number of imported canned jobs is shown (A) and gives you an indication how well they are used already. This number should not be below 150. Otherwise, the effectiveness is impaired

import canned jobs

Using Canned Jobs for Recommended Actions on the Inspection Sheet

Once on the Inspection Sheet definition page, canned jobs can be mapped to inspection topics as follows (see image below)

  1. click the +job button and
  2. enter the search keyword for all jobs, which could become recommended actions.
  3. The search results lists all canned jobs from the PoS
  4. Select any or all and let the inspection sheet config tool know where to place the recommended actions
  5. Hit ‘OK’ and the inspection topic is configured.

canned jobs assignment

Current Process

In the paper-based process, or in many competitive products, no canned jobs are used, sometimes only conditions can be checked by the technician.

This leads to more work for service advisors, who need to translate the technician’s finding into jobs.

Best Practice
  • Make sure you have a canned job for all recommended actions the technician is able to select on the tablet
  • Run a technician improvement sheet, in which they can tell you what recommended actions they would like to see on the sheet.
  • Add canned jobs on a regular basis, typically 250 canned jobs are a great baseline.
  • Run the shop workflow report (only available in SmartFlow) to identify, which canned jobs are typically put on the estimate by the service advisor and discuss best practices with the technicians and service advisor, especially if the recommended actions by the techs differ from what service advisors put on the estimate


Quantified Benefits

Using canned jobs and continuous iterations on updating them are prove to yield the following benefits:

  • Up to 50% savings in estimate building
  • Detection of discrepancy between tech recommendations and service advisor practices
    • Note that paper-based inspection process cause app. 66% of all recommended actions not getting sold
  • Technicians and service advisor are forced into a consistent process creating typically a 30% increase of approval rate
DST & Training

During the one-day Digital Supervisor Training, you will experience hands-on how to set up canned jobs and how the process in the shop will make sure your approval rate goes up.

Check out the location in your area, where you can sign up for the Digital Supervisor Training here

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