
Selling Declined Jobs and Inspection Results Made Easy

In this release we added a few enhancements, which help the service advisor selling more jobs, help the tech identifying the vehicle faster and email and text with customers whose vehicle is not in the shop.

In addition we offer trend graphs on your most important KPIs. This allows a quick check whether everybody is on track while introducing best practices in your shop.


Know your Sales Potential

We have added more information at one glance to the vehicle tile in the workflow view. You will be able to immediately identify, what your selling potential is.

  1. Check whether there are inspection results from recent visits available. If there is no inspection result available, the following image is visible.
  2. Often selling trends on inspection results is the most effective way of educating motorists about wear and tear impact on their vehicle. We will show how many current recommended actions are on the inspection result and how many of those have data from a previous or past visit. In the image below 11 recommended actions are from the current inspection (clock icon) and 3 of them have matching data from previous or past visits.
  3. How many recommended actions were on the most recent inspection result. These have the potential to be added to today’s work order, if your or our service advisor identified them as welcome information to educate the motorist at vehicle drop-off. The image below shows the amount of 6 recommended action from an inspection in the past (red history icon)
  4. In addition you can see whether the images have been edited using the image editor for more effective education of the motorist. the yellow dot in the center of the button indicates the use of the image editor.

Key Tags for Vehicle Identification

Some of you use the last two digits of the RO as identifier for the key of the vehicle in question. Some of you use a key tag. We added the ability to specify the key tag and see it on TVP and tablet. If not specified the last two digits of the RO are shown. Check the image how to set the correct settings, edit the Key Tag and display it on TVP and tablet.

Emailing and Texting Customers without a vehicle at the shop

Sometimes it is very helpful to text or email customers without a vehicle currently in the shop. It is very easy to do:

  1. Click or tap the search icon at the top of your TVP
  2. Enter the last name of the customer and search. The image below shows a typical result. Marked with ‘1’ is the vehicle info we added and marked with ‘2’ is the link to the communication pop up you use on the TVP to email and text. Happy texting!

KPI Trends at one glance

The Inspection Metrics Report is a powerful source of information already. We have added easy to glance over trends of the most important metrics: Inspection Rate, Number of pictures per inspection and Number of Recommended Actions per work order over time.

Please see below the graphical representation of those trends compared with the goals set by you on the inspection metric report page.

The graphs can be retrieved from the inspection metrics report page:


  1. set your goals
  2. press the button to retrieve the graphs fr the selected time window and 5 time periods of the same length before.