
Turn your Phone to Landscape


Started with the wrong topic? No problem. Move Images.

Sometimes Techs and/or service advisors start images at the wrong topic and realize later it should have been another topic, labor line or even vehicle. Or the same image is so impactful, it can be reused for explaining other conditions. Moving Images is only one click away.

Moving Images or Copying is Easy

Click on the small arrow below the thumbnail gallery on the work order or inspection results sheet

The arrow turns from gray to black to show which image you want to move and the pop-up shown below opens

  1. Select the RO# you want to move/copy the image to (type ahead allows to show the existing ROs)
  2. If the target is an inspection sheet select the correct one
  3. Select the topic/labor line to move/copy the image to
  4. Select Move or Copy
  5. Done

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