Consistency of Inspections can be Measured with SmartFlow
Have you ever wondered how to find out whether all technicians have adopted to the new digital technology with SmartFlow?
Compared with the paper based shop process an unprecedented wealth of data is available. This post is the first one in a series to come describing the new opportunity to improve shop productivity using a digital inspection process.
One of the first concerns of a shop owner after introducing the digital inspection is whether or not technicians have adjusted to the new technology.
The following post describes how to generate a video report about how consistently technicians perform an inspection based on the time the technician takes when finishing an inspection on the tablet over the number of images taken with the tablet. The time on the tablet is the net-time it takes to document the findings, not including the time on the vehicle.
Let’s assume the shop policy is to take 8 images per inspection. Thus we can draw a circle around all data points (net-time over number of images) for every day during the observation period. In the example in this post we assume the reference to be 0.1 hours for documenting the findings on the tablet including 8 images. The image below show the ideal area for this assumption.
Lets look at a the result for on technician. We sanitized the data and call the technician Tech 4. Check out below the results of all inspections done for 6 weeks.
As you can see Tech 4 is still trying to find his/her mojo. The good news is that the tablet is used to finish 100% of the inspections and the majority is in the vicinity of the ideal circle. The next step is to see whether the data dots within the ideal circle are all from the end of the observation period. If so Tech 4 has found his/her mojo. Check out the video below to find out. The video shows three more technicians and please determine whether they found their mojo.
How can you create these reports yourselves? Just download the Technician Efficiency report.
Upload it to your Google Drive account of your gmail address and open it with Google Sheets:
then highlight the content of the whole spreadsheet,
and insert a Google chart, which Google automatically sets to the right type of chart:
Done. Have fun and let us know how it works out.
- Release Notes V6.0.52 (TVP.X) and V5.0.58 (TVP Legacy) - October 23, 2020
- Release Notes V6.0.50 (TVP.X) and V5.0.57 (TVP Legacy) - October 11, 2020
- Release Notes V6.0.47 (TVP.X) and V5.0.56 (TVP Legacy) - September 26, 2020