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Modern Vehicles Require A New Maintenance Approach
Modern vehicles with tens of thousands sensors are able to detect the maintenance needs almost automatically, if you believe the car makers. Even if you don’t subscribe to this school of thought, motorists need to be dealing with weird messages on their dashboard, and you as an automotive expert should be well equipped to help them out.
Introducing the indicator based maintenance schedule. It is combined with the traditional time/odometer based scheduling, which, depending on the YMM of the given vehicle, will give you the information you need to educate your customers.

Service Advisors Select the Services based on Indicator Lights and Time-Odometer Based Conditions
All information is at the service advisor’s fingertips: No matter whether the tech reported back the indicator light, so the services associated can be looked up (tab 1 in the image below) or the traditional time-odometer based services are needed (tab 2),
either click “Select all Indicators and Show All Recs” or select the indicators reported back by the teach (or customer) to find out what is needed.
As usual, the Time-Odometer based service can be listed as well.
In addition, an interval can be configured, which will show on the time-odo based tab the service going back from the current od and going into the future. For example, if the current odo is 45,000 miles, then a configured interval of 10,000 miles will show all services due for 35,000 miles and 55,000 miles, giving you the opportunity to detect skipped services and recommend services for the current or future appointment.
the services are marked accordingly as ‘(+/- 10,000)’
Current Process
Currently, every recommendation is time-odometer based. Although easier to manage by the shop and motorists, it doesn’t adequately represent the status of the vehicle without a thorough inspection.
Best Practice
Have you technicians report back the indicator lights, and use time-odo based services with a configured 10,000-mile interval for future attention on the inspection results.
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