
Motorists can view a list of the recalls for their vehicles via a link  for the recommended services in their service reminder email.

new service reminder email


Motorists who have activated their account and downloaded the mobile app can also easily view a list of the recalls from their app at any time.

recalls in mobile app

  • The customer is quickly made aware of the recalls and knows what will be addressed at their visit to the shop.
  • These recommended actions are automatically checked but the motorist can uncheck the boxes for any jobs they do not want performed at their next visit. They can then request an appointment from the service reminder email or mobile app.
  • The customer could uncheck boxes for jobs that are necessary or urgent.
  • If the customer is not previously notified of the email, they are likely to ignore the email.

AutoVitals’ system automatically populates this field with recalls for that particular vehicle. The majority of the interfacing between Service Advisor and customer should be done in the customer follow-up.

  • The recalls in the service reminder serve as a reinforcement and reminder to the customer about the recommended actions.
  • If not properly prefaced during a previous interaction with the customer, the customer could lose faith in the Service Advisor as the trusted primary source of information.

The Service Advisor should already be aware of the recalls because they should have been discussed with the customer:

  • While the customer was picking up their vehicle at their prior visit, the Service Advisor could have discussed the recalls when setting up the next appointment.
  • The Service Advisor should also have been able to discuss these recommendations with the customer in a follow-up call after their prior visit.
  • The recalls in the service reminder emails are absolutely designed to be used in conjunction with Best Practices at Pick-up and Follow-up.

The critical success factors for an effective retention process are:

  • Review the recalls needed when the customer is picking up their vehicle
  • Remind the customer of their recalls during the Follow-up Call.

The following factors are negative effects of reviewing recalls with the motorist:

  • The Service Advisor must invest time in reviewing this with the customer at vehicle pick-up and in the follow-up call.

Our Recommendation:

Service Advisors should make sure to discuss recalls with the customer at Vehicle Pick-up and the Follow-up Call so that the Service Reminder Emails are the most efficient.