How to feed the clipboard boneyard
After 4 months of performing onsite training to SmartFlow clients it is time to check the lessons learned. The results suggest a SMASHING success and the Digital Shop takes shape in more and more businesses.
Lindsay, Tim (both with the team of Mike’s Kars in the picture on the left ) and Gursharan come home with exhilarating feedback by shop owners. Based on best practices the training for service advisors and technicians make it possible to improve not only sales of Digital Inspection Results, but almost more importantly the workflow management opens up unprecedented gains in productivity, confidence and consistency. Below are a few vocal shop owners with feedback (Click on image to enlarge).
What did we learn?
We learned probably as much as our clients and their staff. The TOP 3 findings are
- Habits change into muscle memory through constant reinforcement
- Shop owners and managers succeed every time when they get involved
- Meeting goals requires regular review of metrics by the trainer and owner/manager
Does it sound familiar? Another lightbulb moment, which goes back to proven management practices. Thank you for reminding us. We took it and developed it into the next level of SmartFlow training. Introducing three new/modified training services!
NEW: The Digital Shop Solution including Digital Operations and Digital Supervisor Training
- The Digital Operations Training
- This training is similar to the 5 week program we have been offering as On-Site Training.
- It focuses on establishing Best Practices in operating the workflow and digital inspections for techs and service advisor(s). It includes
- Onsite visits
- Best practices learning
- Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)
- Report Cards on metrics
- Regular review with owner/manager
- The Digital Supervisor Training
- This training is a one day class at one of the AutoVitals locations (Raleigh and Santa Barbara) and focuses on empowering the owner/manager. It includes
- How to train and incentivize service advisors and technicians
- SOP adjustments for the Digital Shop
- Critical Success Factors and procedures to introduce the Digital Shop
- Best practices for techs and service advisor(s) when using the workflow management
- This training is a one day class at one of the AutoVitals locations (Raleigh and Santa Barbara) and focuses on empowering the owner/manager. It includes
- The Digital Shop Solution
- This is a 12 month service when signing up for SmartFlow. The Digital Operations and Supervisor Training are included.
- This service GUARANTEES 20% increase in ARO and at least 0.5 hour more per RO.
- A trainer/advisor/account manager guides you for at least one year.
- Onsite visits and other measures are decided jointly between you and the trainer based upon goal achievement review.
Are you interested in finding out more about these new and exciting services? Call your advisor or sales at 866 949 2848.
- Release Notes V6.0.52 (TVP.X) and V5.0.58 (TVP Legacy) - October 23, 2020
- Release Notes V6.0.50 (TVP.X) and V5.0.57 (TVP Legacy) - October 11, 2020
- Release Notes V6.0.47 (TVP.X) and V5.0.56 (TVP Legacy) - September 26, 2020