
Turn your Phone to Landscape


This training is designed to teach new technicians how to use a tablet to perform inspections and communicate with the service adviser. It is also great to use as a refresher course.

Below, you will find more in-depth training material…


Technician Training Video with Workbook

The technician follows a step by step video with a workbook that contains pictures of a vehicle that allows for quiet, uninterrupted time where the student can perform each of the actions needed to successfully complete the inspection process.  Please install the inspection sheet from the Library called “Courtesy Inspection w/education (DST Recommended)” it will follow the workbook

Video Link

Student Workbook PDF

The student workbook has a composite vehicle and allows for picture taking in a quiet environment to master the use of the tablet in order to perform the digital inspection.  

Workbook Link

Picture Policy

Review the master picture policy (it is used in this form for the training) and after training is complete, create one for your shop – If you don’t have a written picture policy, you will not have consistent inspections.

Picture Policy


Current Process

For a technician, it is not uncommon to get a new piece of equipment and then hunt and peck their way through learning how to use it. This will leave the process incomplete and frustrating in many cases. The result is the new equipment, or process, that is being under utilized.

Best Practice

Train the staff on how to develop muscle memory. Utilize the tools to the full potential to save time and deliver a better final product to the motorist.

Quantified Benefits
  • Effective communication to the motorist
  • Increased recommendations are approved
  • Effective communication between the service advisor 
  • The technician saves time
  • No more running back and forth to the shop for updates
DST & Training

Our Digital Supervisor Training covers the inspection process hands on with the tablet brought in by the student.

SmartFlow Digital Supervisor Training

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