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V4.5 : How to Enable Mandatory Topics 

Service advisers now have the ability to mark topics on an inspection sheet as mandatory. This will prompt the technician to take notes, capture images/videos, and use the red arrow to edit these images.This feature comes in handy when certain topics are often skipped over by the technicians or your shop simply wants to document that topic for each customer inspection. The higher the quality of the inspection, the more informed the motorist is, and thus they more likely they are to approve the repair(s).

Here is how to configure your inspection sheets to behave this way :


From the TVP, enter the navigational menu and select “settings”



Make sure you are on the inspection settings page and scroll down


Click on the “configure inspection button”


Then, click on the pencil icon to configure the settings for that particular topic


Finally, check this box to notify the technician that this topic is mandatory


This is what the technician will see when they have mandatory topics enabled



Here you can create the content that will be used within the module.

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