
All Updates for TVP.X, AutoVitals.X and TVP-Legacy

  1. (TVP.X): For shops where the motorist chat from your website is activated, you can select the order of service advisors to receive the chat in case the 1st one is inactive or doesn’t respond within 60 seconds.digital shop motorist chat

  2. (TVP.X): The BCP has been opened for non-integrated shops (see image above). The lack of integration with the PoS will allow inspection related KPIs based on the date when the inspection has been submitted.

  3. (TVP.X): Declined jobs will be moved to the bottom of the work order automatically (so far only declined job groups have been moved to the bottom)

  4. (TVP.X): The Inspection Results Page shows the shop name now as well

  5. (TVP.X): Placeholders for canned messages are displayed for TVP.X users when sending a canned message from the conversation center

  6. (TVP.X): The task for scheduling a motorist’s appointment includes now vehicle type and customer’s name

  7. (TVP.X): When disabled, audio messages on video can’t be reactivated by the motorist

  8. (TVP.X): The BCP includes a menu item to download the characteristics of all tablets

  9. (TVP.X): All bug fixes for issues you have submitted are made available on your TVP chat through a response alert.