
tsbs and recalls

Configure the Email to Your Customers on the Work Order

Part 2 of the TVP update includes the ability to configure the information to be emailed to the customers right at the work order.

1. Select the Information

In the image below the possible selections are illustrated.

  1. Check the Checkbox to add all jobs to the inspection results report
  2. Select the OEM recommendations to be added to the report
  3. Explore and select the TSBs/Recalls to be added to the report
  4. Send the current status of the inspection report to the SmartFlow Add-On integrated with your POS

configure email

2. Preview the Information before you hit “Send Message”

Once you are in the communication pop-up (launched from the ‘envelope’ icon on the workflow view or from the customer name link on the tech view) you can now preview what information will be sent to the customer.

The following images below show you the corresponding tabs open as they were selected in the work order pop up.

workorder in comm popup 2

Respectively OEM Recs and TSBs and Recalls are visible.

oem rec in comm pop up


tsbs comm pop up

Last but not least the creation of the pdf to print is possible from the communication pop up as well (5 in the image above)