
Turn your Phone to Landscape


Managing your customer communications and shop calendar made easy

The serviceteam@ account allows you to access your customer communications and shop calendar in one convenient location

The Google email and calendar accounts provided to your shop by AutoVitals helps all customer facing staff easily communicate with customers, and manage your shop calendar all in one place. Gmail and Google calendar are easy to use, and best of all with the Google Mail and Google Calendar app, you stay connected and in the know, even on the go.




The Google for Work account is an email account that is set up by AutoVitals for all new CRM shops. We will refer to this email as the Primary Service Adviser (PSA) email. Your adviser will provide you with the login credentials for this account. We will purchase a new domain very similar to your shop name. If your shop is named Joe’s Auto in Sacramento, your new Google for Work email might be something like: serviceteam@joesautosac.com This way, the communication to your customers looks more professional than joesauto@yahoo.com for example.This email and password provided to you by AutoVitals will be used to login to your email AND calendar.

For email:

It is highly recommended to use this email as the Primary Service Adviser (PSA) email. Emails like appointment requests, responses to service reminders and thank you emails, request to redeem loyalty points, text message responses and notification from AutoVitals will be sent to this account. All customer facing staff should have access to this email account.

By using this new email as your Primary Service Adviser email, you ensure that:

  • Your shop makes a good first impression by using a custom email domain, rather than @yahoo.com or @gmail.com for example
  • You always have access to shop emails even on the go through the use of the Google Mail app.
  • Customer messages are always responded to, even when someone is out of the shop.
  • Customer messages are not responded to twice, which can happen with forwarding.
  • Your messages and email are secure, which is jeopardized with forwarding.

To access your email: mail.google.com (Login using your credentials)

Gmail Sign in | Gmail.com Login

For shop calendar:

Your new shop calendar is managed in the same Google account as your email, so you only need to log into one account to access both your email and shop calendar, which is managed by AutoVitals. This calendar can show appointments created in both your SMS and in AutoVitals. However, it will NOT send appointments created directly in the Google calendar back into your SMS or AutoVitals

To access your calendar: calendar.google.com (Login using your credentials)

For more information on how to schedule and view your appointments click here

By using this account to access your shop calendar, you ensure that:

  • Service advisers only need to login to 1 account to get email and shop calendar
  • You only need to go to 1 calendar to see any appointments from your POS, or in AutoVitals.
  • You always can see your shop calendar, by using the Google Calendar app

google apps

For Smartflow/Smartcheck users:

In addition to using the account for email and calendar, you can also use this account as your Failsafe account. Failsafe stores all your inspection results on Google Drive so you can always access them. In addition, it allows your inspection results to be presented to your customers in a mobile responsive web page, rather than just a PDF, so they look great on a mobile device!

To learn more about Failsafe, and how to set it up, click here.

Your shop can choose to use another Google email account as your PSA, however we do not recommend it! (NOTE: if you choose to use an email account other than the serviceteam@ account provided by AutoVitals, the alternative MUST be a Google account, you CANNOT use another non-Google account. It will not work).

no email

In the past, shops who have chosen to use an alternative Google account have always run into problems, so we strongly encourage you to use your serviceteam@ account to avoid unnecessary headaches.

If you still choose to use an alternative Google account for email here are your options:

  1. Use your own Google account as the PSA and shop calendar access, however anytime an issue of any sort arises regarding your alternative Google account you will be charged $75/hour in support fees.
  2. OR, Set up email fetching for a one time fee of $75. Your shop is always logged into and working from the serviceteam@ account, but all emails go out and are replied to from your alternative Google account, and when emails are sent from serviceteam@, it looks like it came from your alternative email. You can see all emails sent to your own account in the serviceteam@ account.


Current Process


Without this account, there is high potential for missing customer messages since messages go to multiple accounts. Email forwards are a security threat and increase the chances that customer messages are double responded to.

The shop calendar is either available only on paper or in the POS. It is difficult to access the shop calendar on the go outside the shop.



Best Practice

The best practice is to use the serviceteam@ account for the primary service adviser email and to access your shop calendar. All customer facing staff should have access to this email and calendar. Make sure you download the Google Mail and Calendar apps so you can access email and shop schedule on the go.

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