Service Advisor Huddles

Best Results Require a Process Change
A process change is a vital component to bringing your shop into the 21st century. With our guest panelists, we discuss AutoVital’s role in that process change and use Ben Nielsen’s shop as an example of a success story with incredible results.
A Look Back on 2016
2016 was a successful year for AutoVitals and its customers. Uwe Kleinschmidt and Frank Scandura look back on this year’s accomplishments and improvements, as well as speak on how AutoVitals will continue to improve the shop’s process in 2017.
Combine Coaching with Productivity Tools to Win
To understand what the true benefits of AutoVitals are, it is important to see real life success stories. With ATI trainers Bryan Stasch and Michael Bennett, Uwe Kleinschmidt discusses how particular shops became more profitable by applying coaching and using SmartFlow.

Digital Supervisor Training
This month our guest speakers were our digital supervisor trainers who explained what digital supervisor training is and how it will benefit the shop. Customers who have attended the training also speak on how much it has changed their process.
10 Tips with Bob Cooper and Frank Scandura
We had special guests Bob Cooper and Frank Scandura on this service advisor huddle to speak about 10 tips that all shop owners can do to increase sales, profits and most importantly, customer satisfaction.

Seven Best Practices in the Digital Shop
Our very own Jimmy Lea came back from the future to teach our clients how to leverage the digital shop. These are the seven best ways to build a loyal customer base.
Retention and SmartFlow Release – July 2016
It is vital to have quick and efficient communication within in the shop as well as with the customer. In this Huddle, we discuss how fast internet and an improved inspection page will increase productivity and give the customer the chance to see the inspection results on any device.
Quick Wins with SmartFlow
Our SmartFlow product has many features that can be implemented quickly and improve your shop flow immediately. With the help of one of our trainers, Lindsay, we have put together some of the best ways to make quick changes in your shop.
Retention and SmartFlow Release – May 2016
To fully understand your shop’s productivity, it is important to be able to measure all types of inspection sheets. In this Huddle, Neil explains how we have created the ability to filter through the sheets as well as an improvement in the report a problem system. Our product advisor also covers best practices created by our trainers to help improve the customer-shop relationship.
Retention and SmartFlow Release – April 2016
In this Huddle we discuss the new features that have come out this month and how important your feedback is. Through your comments and concerns on our Facebook page, we can improve and adjust the features you use daily.
- V5.0.12 Topic and Photo/Image/Notes Editor - April 9, 2019
- Changing your PoS Server Guidelines - February 28, 2018
- Lost Customer Email Campaign - October 2, 2017